Illinois Performance Standards for School Leaders

Evaluates how leaders foster high expectations and manage systems to enhance educational outcomes and teacher effectiveness.
Living a Mission, Vision, and Beliefs for Results This section evaluates how leaders collaborate to develop, maintain, and ensure that a shared vision of high expectations is central to school decisions. It also assesses the ability to confront low expectations and conduct difficult conversations aimed at improving student outcomes. Leading and Managing Systems Change This section focuses on the leader's ability to assess current school performance, develop improvement plans, maintain a focus on results, and effectively allocate resources. It also looks at how leaders prioritize time and employ current technologies to support student learning. Improving Teaching and Learning Leaders' roles in implementing curricular scope, reviewing instructional practices, and using data-driven decision-making and instruction are examined here. This section also covers the selection, assignment, retention, and evaluation of effective teachers, as well as the development of instructional teams and professional learning. Building and Maintaining Collaborative Relationships This section reviews how leaders build ongoing relationships, include multiple voices and perspectives, engage families, manage change, and demonstrate personal resolve in response to challenges. Leading with Integrity and Professionalism Leaders are assessed on their ability to model equity and dignity, protect rights and confidentiality, recognize the strengths of diverse populations, create a culturally responsive climate, and engage in courageous conversations about diversity. Creating and Sustaining a Culture of High Expectations This section evaluates how leaders link aspirations to college and career opportunities, develop student goal-setting processes, translate school values into specific behaviors, develop codes of conduct, and create cultures that support social-emotional learning and effective effort.



May 10th, 2024

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