Daily Walkthrough

This form is a flexible form intended for a daily walkthrough. It covers Curriuclum, Assessment and Essential Questions.
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's daily classroom instruction. It includes questions related to the teacher's adherence to Tennessee standards, their pacing with the curriculum, the use of a clear learning objective (LEQ), the variety of activities used in the lesson, the assessment methods used to measure student learning, and the implementation of personalized learning strategies. Additionally, the form includes questions related to the teacher's implementation of three core actions: Core Action 1, which focuses on creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment; Core Action 2, which emphasizes the use of data to inform instruction; and Core Action 3, which emphasizes the use of high-quality instructional materials. Overall, this form is designed to provide instructional leaders with a comprehensive understanding of a teacher's daily classroom practices. Sections: Daily Walkthrough

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