Reading Coach- Guided Reading

This form is used for a observation of Guided Reading time
This teacher observation form focuses on guided reading and includes questions related to various aspects of the lesson. The form covers topics such as ensuring the text is on the students' instructional level, providing an introduction to the lesson that includes the purpose for reading, allowing students to read independently while the teacher listens and provides individualized support, taking anecdotal notes, and allowing students to use additional time to reread the text. The form also covers appropriate pacing, making connections to how strategies can be used while reading independently, wrapping up the lesson and bringing the focus back to the students, and using designated workstations. The form ensures that expectations for independent and small group activities are clear, the teacher has considered the placement of workstations, and appropriate time is allotted for workstations. The teacher is expected to adjust the lesson if activities take more time than planned and is able to respectfully gain the attention of the entire class quickly. Sections: Observations of Guided Reading



June 8th, 2023

Report form

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