Classroom Environment Checklist

This form focuses on Classroom Environment, with questions covering classroom management, technology use and classroom arrangement
The teacher observation form includes a section called the Environment Checklist, which focuses on the physical and instructional aspects of the classroom. This section assesses the cleanliness, organization, and lack of clutter in the room. It also evaluates the classroom arrangement to ensure that it allows both the teacher and students to move around freely and encourages interaction among students. The form checks for the presence of a designated space for small group instruction, as well as the display of current anchor charts, instructional charts, standards or indicators, learning goals or objectives, and the agenda. It also looks for the display of authentic and current student work aligned with the standards or indicators, as well as the prominent display of current content words. The form assesses the presence of a leveled classroom library, the posting of steps to success and a classroom management system, and the use of technology for instruction by both the teacher and students. Lastly, it evaluates the use of a Secondary Instructional Delivery Framework and the positive interaction between the teacher and students. Sections: Environment Checklist

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