Academic Feedback

This form covers Questioning,Academic Feedback,Thinking, and Problem Solving
This teacher observation form evaluates the quality and effectiveness of a teacher's questioning techniques, academic feedback, thinking instruction, problem-solving skills, and ability to provide closing information. The form assesses the teacher's ability to ask varied and purposeful questions that require active responses and provide adequate wait time. The teacher is expected to call on a balance of volunteers and non-volunteers, and students of different abilities and sexes. The form also evaluates the teacher's ability to provide academically focused feedback during guided practice and homework review, and to circulate during instructional activities to support engagement and monitor student work. The teacher is expected to engage students in giving specific and high-quality feedback to one another. Additionally, the teacher is evaluated on their ability to teach multiple types of thinking and to use feedback from students to monitor and adjust instruction. Sections: Questioning Academic Feedback Thinking Problem Solving Closing Information

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