Classroom Observations

This form covers Instructional Strategies, Rigor/Relevance, Questioning, and Student Engagement.
This teacher observation form is designed to help K-12 instructional leaders evaluate and provide feedback on a teacher's lesson. The form covers various aspects of the lesson, including the instructional standard identified, literacy strategies observed, Bloom's Taxonomy within the lesson, student actions, Q-chart, best practices observed, and student view. The form includes specific questions related to the time of observation, content area, specific content observed, and student use of technology. It also evaluates the level of student engagement, participation, and the use of best practices. Additionally, the form provides space for capturing pictures and displaying student work. The purpose of this form is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the teacher's lesson and identify areas for improvement. Sections: Introduction Instructional Standard Identified Literacy Strategies Observed Bloom's Taxonomy within the Lesson Bloom's Taxonomy within the Lesson (con't) Student Actions Q-Chart Best Practices Observed Student View

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