Administrative Walkthrough Observation

This form starts with some basic classroom observation and then moves onto assessing the evidence of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy (CSP)
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a classroom's instructional practices. It includes sections on the use of technology, progress monitoring, well-managed learning, and differentiated instruction. The form asks specific questions about the teacher's methods and techniques, including whether the agenda and learning targets were posted, whether there was evidence of class expectations and structure, and what instructional methods were used. It also assesses the level of student engagement and interaction, including whether there was student-to-student talk and equity of voice. The form also evaluates the teacher's use of essential questions and the flow of funds of knowledge in the classroom. Additionally, it assesses whether there was evidence of social-emotional learning and English language development practices. The form includes areas for notes, areas of growth and wonderings, strategies or work samples, and evidence of funds of knowledge. Overall, this observation form provides a comprehensive assessment of a teacher's instructional practices and student engagement. Sections: Use of Rockspace and/or other technology in the classroom Progress Monitoring Well-Managed Learning Differentiated Instruction



June 8th, 2023

Report form

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