Classroom Walkthrough Rubric

This form covers lesson plans, student engagement, technology use and the classroom envionment.
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate various aspects of a teacher's performance during a classroom observation. The form is divided into different sections, each focusing on a specific area of observation. These sections include Lesson Plans, Engagement, Active & Academic Monitoring, Uniform, Appropriate Use of Technology, Clean and Organized Classrooms, and Organized Students. Within each section, there are specific questions that the observer must answer based on their observations. These questions are designed to gather evidence and comments regarding the teacher's performance in that particular area. For example, in the Lesson Plans section, the observer assesses whether the lesson has an on-grade level mastery objective and whether the teacher has the necessary materials, such as lesson plans and student exemplars, readily available during the observation. In the Engagement section, the observer evaluates the level of student engagement in academic work. This can be determined by observing behaviors such as cold calling, tracking a student speaker, note-taking during discussions, following text with their finger, or working on problems on a whiteboard. The form also includes sections on behavioral management systems and academic monitoring systems, where the observer assesses the effectiveness of the teacher's strategies in these areas. Additionally, there are sections dedicated to assessing the adherence to uniform standards, appropriate use of technology, and the cleanliness and organization of both the classroom and the students. Overall, the teacher observation form serves as a tool for instructional leaders to assess and provide feedback on various aspects of a teacher's performance. It helps ensure that teachers are meeting the expected standards and creating an optimal learning environment for students. Sections: Lesson Plans Engagement Active & Academic Monitoring Uniform Appropriate Use of Technology Clean and Organized Classrooms and Organized Students

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