DD2 Instructional Observation with Digital Learning Environment

Observation covering instruction, learning environment and digital learning environment.
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's instructional practices and the learning environment in their classroom. The form is divided into four sections, including Instruction, The Learning Environment, Digital Learning Environment, and Additional Information. Within each section, there are several questions that focus on specific areas of teaching, such as Standards & Objectives, Motivating Students, Presenting Instructional Content, Lesson Structure & Pacing, Activities and Materials, Questioning, Academic Feedback, Grouping Students, Teacher Content Knowledge, and Teacher Knowledge of Students. Other areas of focus include Thinking, Problem Solving, Expectations, Engaging Students and Managing Behavior, Environment, and Respectful Culture. The Digital Learning Environment section assesses how well students use technology to gather information, conduct research, solve problems, and collaborate with others. The Additional Feedback section allows for any additional comments or observations that the observer may have. Overall, this teacher observation form provides a comprehensive assessment of a teacher's instructional practices and the learning environment in their classroom. Sections: Instruction The Learning Environment Digital Learning Environment Additional Information

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