
This checklist form covers Behavior Management, Environment, and Assessment
This teacher observation form is designed to assess a teacher's ability to effectively manage behavior in the classroom, create a safe and fair learning environment, deliver engaging and connected lessons, and use assessments to drive instruction. The form includes specific questions related to behavior management systems, identifying and intervening in potential problems, promoting positive behavior through rewards and coaching, and avoiding public humiliation. It also evaluates the physical safety of the classroom, the reinforcement of community values, and the public recognition of students. The lesson section of the form assesses the presence of essential questions and big understandings, the alignment of methods and materials with the lesson, the use of hands-on/minds-on methods, clear directions, differentiation of instruction, and connection of learning to real-world issues and problem-solving. The assessment section evaluates the use of formative assessments to drive instruction, the students' understanding of expectations when being assessed, and the provision of feedback to students. The observation section provides an opportunity for the observer to record any additional observations or comments. Sections: Behavior Management Environment Lesson Assessment Observations

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