Classroom Walkthrough

This form covers Assessment, Technology, Collaboration, Connectivity, Relevance, Personalization, Student Feedback
The teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's performance during a classroom visit. It includes sections on objectives, assessment, technology, collaboration, student feedback, purpose, and comments. The form asks specific questions related to each section, such as whether a student-friendly learning objective was posted, whether the teacher referred to the objective during the lesson, and whether technology was used to help students reach the objective. The collaboration section focuses on whether the lesson was connected, relevant, and personalized. The student feedback section asks what students say about the work, and the purpose section asks whether the observer knows what the purpose of the lesson is. The form also includes space for additional comments. Overall, the form is intended to provide a comprehensive assessment of a teacher's performance during a classroom visit. Sections: Objectives Assessment Technology CCRP Collaboration Student Feedback Purpose Comments

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