Walkthrough - Basic

This form observes the use of the Optimal Learning Model and utilizing Learning tools to support the lesson
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a classroom, including the learning focus and objectives, optimal learning models, and 21st century learning tools. It also evaluates student learning behaviors and the use of the LCS - Big 6 Ideas for Learning. The form includes questions about the grade level, number of pupils, learning context, subject, and learning objectives from Common Core or NC Essential State Standards. It assesses whether essential questions are posted, and whether the teacher uses different teaching models such as modeling, shared demonstration, coaching-guided practice, and independent practice. The form also evaluates whether clear learning goals are posted and whether activities are congruent with the prescribed learning goals. Additionally, it assesses whether the teacher diagnoses student knowledge and uses task analysis to guide students toward the learning goal. Sections: Classroom Info Learning Focus/Objective Optimal Learning Model (phases observed) LCS - Big 6 Ideas for Learning (which of the following was observed?) 21st CENTURY LEARNING TOOLS Student Learning Behaviors

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