Classroom Observation

This form covers Essential Question, Activating Prior Knowledge, and TAPPLE
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher's instructional practices. It is designed to provide a structured framework for observing and analyzing various aspects of a teacher's lesson delivery. The form includes a series of questions that focus on key areas such as student interaction with the essential question, activation of prior knowledge, direct instruction, the use of the TAPPLE (Teach, Ask, Pause, Pink a Non-Volunteer, Listen, and Effective Feedback) strategy, guided practice, closure, independent practice, and overall impression. These questions are intended to guide the observer in assessing the teacher's ability to engage students, deliver content effectively, provide opportunities for practice and application, and create a meaningful learning experience. It is important to note that while this form provides a structured framework for observation, it may not cover all aspects of effective teaching and should be used in conjunction with other assessment tools and professional judgment. Sections: Essential Question

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