Classroom Observation Checklist

This form covers instructional strategies, planning, and environement
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate teachers' performance in various areas of instruction. It consists of several sections and questions that cover different aspects of teaching, planning, environment, ESL (English as a Second Language), family literacy, and overall observation summary. The form begins with basic information such as the program, site, subject, class, and the number of students at the beginning and end of the observation. It also includes information about the sign-in/out process and whether tutors or volunteers are being used to instruct students, along with the ratio of students to tutors/volunteers. The form then moves on to the observation itself, where the observer notes the activities and teaching/learning strategies observed during the observation. It also assesses the security and availability of teacher records for each student, as well as the presence of required documents in both teacher and student folders. If the program uses digital portfolios, the form evaluates the presence of both teacher and student portfolios. The instructional planning section of the form focuses on data-driven and standards-based instructional planning. It assesses whether the instructional plans demonstrate these approaches and whether they align with the required standards. The form also evaluates the classroom environment, looking at factors such as the teacher's academic expectations for students, their encouragement of learning from mistakes, and the creation of learning opportunities for all students to experience success. Finally, the form includes sections on ESL and family literacy, which assess the teacher's implementation of strategies and support for English language learners and involvement of families in literacy activities. Sections: Beginning Information A. Instruction B. Planning: Records B. Planning: Instructional Plans C. Environment D. ESL E. Family Literacy Observation Summary

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