Recertification Evaluation

This form covers Essential Question, Activate Prior Knowledge, Direct Instruction, TAPPLE, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, and Technology Use
This teacher observation form is designed to assess the effectiveness of a teacher's lesson plan. It includes several sections, each with a specific focus on different aspects of the lesson. The form begins with an Essential Question section, which aims to evaluate whether the teacher has established a clear and relevant question to guide the lesson. The Activate Prior Knowledge section assesses whether the teacher has effectively engaged students' prior knowledge and experiences to prepare them for the lesson. The Direct Instruction section evaluates the teacher's ability to present new material in a clear and engaging manner. The TAPPLE section assesses whether the teacher has incorporated a variety of teaching strategies, such as technology, to enhance student learning. The Guided Practice section evaluates the teacher's ability to provide students with structured opportunities to apply new knowledge. The Closure section assesses whether the teacher has effectively summarized the lesson and provided students with a clear understanding of what they have learned. The Independent Practice section evaluates the teacher's ability to provide students with opportunities to apply new knowledge independently. The Technology section assesses whether the teacher has effectively incorporated technology into the lesson. Finally, the Comments on Overall Lesson section provides the observer with an opportunity to provide general feedback on the lesson. Sections: Essential Question Activate Prior Knowledge Direct Instruction TAPPLE Guided Practice Closure Independent Practice Technology Comments on Overall Lesson

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