Praise, Polish, Ponder

Observation offering high level narrative feedback for teachers
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders to assess and evaluate the performance of teachers in K-12 schools. It includes several sections, each with specific questions designed to gather information about the teacher's performance. The walkthrough section is used to observe the teacher's classroom management and instructional techniques. The ELD Strategies section requires the teacher to use at least one English Language Development strategy during the period. The Final Comments section allows the observer to provide overall feedback and suggestions for improvement. The form also includes four specific types of feedback: Praise, which recognizes areas of strength; Polish, which identifies areas for improvement; Ponder, which raises questions for further consideration; and Next Steps, which outlines specific actions the teacher can take to improve their performance. Overall, the teacher observation form is a valuable tool for instructional leaders to provide feedback and support to teachers in K-12 schools. Sections: Walkthrough ELD Strategies - Use at least one strategy during the period. Final Comments



June 8th, 2023

Report form

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