
This form covers Classroom Environment, Rigor, Instructional Strategies, Differentiation, Classroom Management, and Student Engagement
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a classroom, including its appearance, management, and student engagement. The form includes sections for identifying student activities, noting interruptions during the lesson, and observing classroom conversations. It also assesses the use of agreed-upon strategies, such as AVID strategies and writing workshops. The form includes questions related to classroom organization, the display of student work and learning goals, the use of technology, and the reinforcement of positive behavior. It also evaluates the effectiveness of instructional strategies, such as direct instruction and small group work. The form aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the classroom and its teaching practices. Sections: Classroom Appearance Does this classroom have evidence of Classroom Management The following was observed during walkthrough: Identified Student Activties How many times was the lesson interrupted? The following classroom conversation was observed What is the level of student engagement? Which agreed upon strategies are being used?

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