This form uses the ELEOT instructional framework to cover the clasroom environment. Scores are calculated at the bottom.
This teacher observation form is designed to evaluate various aspects of a teacher's performance in the classroom. The form includes a mix of high-quality questions that cover a range of topics such as differentiated learning opportunities, equal access to resources, fair treatment of learners, and the development of empathy and respect for differences. Other questions focus on the learners' ability to meet high expectations, engage in challenging but attainable activities, and demonstrate high-quality work that requires higher-order thinking. The form also includes questions related to learners taking responsibility for their own learning. The form is designed to provide a balanced assessment of the teacher's performance and includes opportunities for respondents to provide final comments. Sections: Teacher questions are varied and high quality providing a balanced mix of question types: Questions Sometimes require active responses Wait Time/Think Time Respondents Student Questions Final Comments

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