AVID Elementary Foundations: Site Observation Form

This form uses the AVID framework to assess Organization, Collaboration with a focus on Reading and Writing
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders to assess and evaluate various aspects of a teacher's performance in the classroom. It is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific area such as writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading, empowering students, partnerships, accountability, articulation, assessment, and calibration. The form includes a series of questions and look-fors that help the observer assess the teacher's performance in each of these areas. The questions are designed to evaluate the teacher's use of reflection tools, incorporation of inquiry into core subjects, use of visuals, incorporation of collaboration into core subjects, modeling of organized materials and thinking, use of reading-to-learn strategies, incorporation of activities that empower students, intentional efforts to form partnerships, and overall accountability and assessment practices. The form also includes space for commendations and additional coaching questions. Overall, the teacher observation form is a valuable tool for instructional leaders to evaluate and support teacher performance in the classroom. Sections: Writing to Learn Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading to Learn Empowering Students Partnerships Accountability - Articulation - Assessment - Calibration Closing

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