ADEPT Walkthrough V2

Observation based on ADEPT Performance standards 2,4-10
This teacher observation form assesses a teacher's ability to plan and deliver effective instruction, establish and maintain high expectations for students, use appropriate instructional strategies, demonstrate subject matter knowledge, monitor student learning, create a positive classroom environment, manage student behavior and instructional routines, and exhibit ethical and responsible behavior. The form includes specific questions related to each of these areas, and provides space for examples and comments to support the evaluation. Sections: APS 2: Short-Range Planning of Instruction APS 4: Establishing and Maintaining High Expectations for Learners APS 5: Using Instructional Strategies to Facilitate Learning APS 6: Providing Content for Learners APS 7: Monitoring Assessing and Enhancing Learning APS 8: Maintaining an Environment that Promotes Learning APS 9: Managing the Classroom APS 10: Fulfilling Professional Responsibilities

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