Classroom Observation

This form covers the classroom environment, instructional pratice and student engagement.
The teacher observation form is a tool used by K-12 instructional leaders to assess and evaluate teachers' performance in the classroom. It is divided into several sections, each focusing on different aspects of teaching. The form begins with basic information such as the observation start time, subject, and grade level being taught. The first section, Classroom Environment, examines whether the environment is supportive of student learning and if mutual respect is exhibited between the teacher and students. It also assesses how well the teacher manages classroom procedures and student behaviors. The second section, Instructional Practice, evaluates whether the teacher effectively conveys expectations of achievement and communicates the importance of the content being taught. It also assesses the quality of questioning and discussion techniques used by the teacher. The third section, Engagement, prompts the observer to provide engagement counts at specific time intervals, such as after 5 minutes and 10 minutes of observation. The observer is also asked to assess whether the teacher is engaged with students by the end of the observation. Sections: Beginning Classroom Environment Instructional Practice Engagement Closing

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