
This checklist form covers Rigor/Relevance, Student Engagement,Learning Conditions, and Assessment
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's instructional practices and their impact on student learning. It includes sections on teacher activities, rigor, relevance, student configuration, student engagement, learning conditions, checking content mastery, assessment, and closing information. The form asks questions related to different instructional approaches, literacy strategies, levels of cognitive engagement, subject knowledge, cross-curricular connections, student experiences, real-world applications, and various student configurations. It also assesses the use of technology, classroom management, feedback, questioning techniques, and assessment methods. The form includes a range of assessment tools such as formative assessments, quizzes/tests, student projects, interviews, worksheets, entrance/exit slips, and alternate assessments. The form also includes a section for additional comments to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the teacher's instructional practices. Sections: Teacher Activities Rigor Relevance Student Configuration Student Engagement Learning Conditions Checking Content Mastery Assessment Closing Info

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