Killian Walk-Through 2012-2013

Checklist observation covering Instructional Delivery, Differentiated Instruction, Instructional Strategies, Bloom's Taxonomy, Classroom Environment and Management.
This teacher observation form is a tool for K-12 instructional leaders to assess various aspects of a teacher's performance. It covers areas such as instructional delivery, differentiated instruction, instructional strategies, Bloom's Taxonomy, technology use, classroom environment, relationships, and management. The form includes specific questions related to product focus, content and substance, organization of knowledge, clear standards, protection from failure, affiliation, affirmation, choice, novelty, authenticity, and support. It also evaluates the use of different teaching methods such as whole group, small group, and individual instruction. The form assesses the content, learning process, student product, and skill development, as well as the use of timelines, modeling, scaffolding, think-alouds, reteaching, guided practice, lecture, mini-lessons, technology, note-taking, feedback, and cooperative learning. The form also evaluates the use of Bloom's Taxonomy, including remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Additionally, it assesses the use of technology, including interactive SmartBoards, internet resources, student computer stations, Chromebooks, iPads, and instructional software. The form also evaluates the classroom environment, including organization, essential questions, word walls, and welcome areas. Finally, the form assesses classroom relationships and management. Sections: Evidence of Design Qualities Instructional Delivery Differentiated Instruction Instructional Strategies Evidence of Bloom's Taxonomy Evidence of Technology Use Classroom Environment Classroom Relationships Classroom Management

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