CBSA Walkthrough

This form covers Classroom Observation, Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies, and Reinforcement and Refinement
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate teachers' classroom performance. It is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the teacher's instructional strategies, classroom management, and overall effectiveness. The form is divided into three sections: Classroom Observation, Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies, and Reinforcement and Refinement. Each section focuses on specific aspects of teaching and learning. The Classroom Observation section includes questions related to class participation, teacher location, instructional format, and individual student performance. It aims to gather information about the teacher's ability to engage students, create a positive learning environment, and effectively deliver instruction. The Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies section assesses the teacher's use of various instructional techniques and strategies. It includes questions about the use of formative checks for understanding, adjusted instruction based on these checks, collaborative learning opportunities, and the use of technology to enhance teaching and assessment. Additionally, the form evaluates the teacher's ability to access and build students' background knowledge and experience, use effective questioning techniques, teach students to set personal goals for academic achievement, and teach them to compare and contrast knowledge or concepts. Overall, the form aims to provide instructional leaders with a assessment of a teacher's performance in various areas of instruction, classroom management, and student engagement. It is a valuable tool for identifying areas of strength and areas that may require improvement, ultimately supporting the ongoing professional growth and development of teachers. Sections: Classroom Observation Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies Reinforcement and Refinement

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