This form covers the implementation of PBIS in a classroom to create a positive learning environement.
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders to assess a teacher's use of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and their ability to create a positive classroom climate. The form includes sections for student observations and PBIS interventions, as well as questions related to the teacher's use of positive reinforcement, proximity control, and verbal/nonverbal redirection. The form also assesses the teacher's use of interventions such as desk-side chats and refocus time in class, as well as their completion of B-Notes and signing of PRIDE cards. Additionally, the form includes questions related to student perceptions of the teacher's use of PBIS and PRIDE, as well as overall observations of student behavior and use of PBIS/PRIDE in the classroom. The form is designed to provide instructional leaders with a comprehensive assessment of a teacher's use of PBIS and their ability to create a positive classroom climate. Sections: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Student Observations



June 29th, 2023

Report form

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