2016-2017 Mill Creek Walkthrough

Checklist Observation covering Lesson Obiective, Learning Environment, Instructional Strategies, Integration of Technology, Level of Student Engagement, LCS Themes, Revised Bloom's Taxonomy and Assessment Type.
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a classroom, including the class description, lesson objective, learning environment, instructional strategies, integration of technology, level of student engagement, LCS themes, revised Bloom's taxonomy, assessment type, and overall impression. The form includes a series of questions that cover topics such as the clarity of the learning goal, the appropriateness of the learning activity, the organization of the classroom, the management of student behavior, the use of technology, and the level of student engagement. The form also includes questions related to the use of various instructional strategies, such as lectures, games, student presentations, and collaborative projects. Additionally, the form assesses the use of technology in the classroom, including the use of calculators, school pads, projectors, and computers. Finally, the form evaluates the level of student engagement, including their level of attentiveness and enthusiasm for the lesson. Overall, this teacher observation form provides a comprehensive assessment of various aspects of a classroom and can be used by instructional leaders to evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher's instruction. Sections: Class Description Lesson Objective Learning Environment Instructional Strategies Integration of Technology Level of Student Engagement LCS Themes Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Assessment Type Overall Impression

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