Explicit Teaching of a Reading Strategy

This form is intended for observing teaching of a reading strategy.
This teacher observation form is designed to assess the explicit teaching of a reading strategy, with a focus on the selected reading strategy. The form includes questions related to teacher clarity, such as what students are learning, why they are learning it, and how they will know when they have learned it. The selected reading strategy is also identified, along with whether it is derived from the unit or class data. The form also includes questions related to the reading procedure, such as whether it is modeled, shared, or done in a close reading format. Pedagogical strategies, such as think aloud demonstrations and anchor charts, are also assessed, as well as other strategies like learning pits and rich discussions. Finally, the form evaluates whether the session focus flows into independent sessions and whether the strategy focus flows into guided sessions. Sections: Explicit Teaching of a Reading Strategy Selected Reading Strategy



June 8th, 2023

Report form

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