District Focus Walkthrough

This checklist walkthrough is intended to check for specific district initiatives, including classroom environment, PLC and PBIS.
The teacher observation form is a tool used by K-12 instructional leaders to assess and evaluate teachers' performance in various areas. It consists of different sections and questions that focus on specific aspects of teaching and learning. The form includes sections such as District Initiatives, PBIS, and Comments, which allow the observer to provide feedback and comments on the teacher's performance. The form includes questions related to important areas such as PLCs use of DATA, Vocabulary, Distributive Summarizing, Writing to Learn, Effective Lesson Plan, Small Group Instruction, One Grade Level Instruction, Inviting Clutter Free Classroom, Digital Integration, and PBIS. These questions are designed to assess the teacher's ability to effectively implement district initiatives, use data to inform instruction, promote positive behavior through PBIS, and create a conducive learning environment. Sections: District Initiatives PBIS Comments



June 29th, 2023

Report form

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