DFES Custom Classroom Walk-thru Template

This form covers Student Engagement, PBIS, Instructional Strategies, DOK, and the Environment
The teacher observation form is a tool used by K-12 instructional leaders to evaluate and provide feedback on a teacher's lesson. The form is divided into several sections, each with specific questions related to different aspects of the lesson. These sections include a Lesson Overview, First Glimpse of Instruction, Instructional Strategies, Instructional Activities, Environment, and Lesson Closure. The questions in each section cover a range of topics, such as the subject area, learning intentions, success criteria observed, entry time of the lesson, student and teacher configurations, percentage of students engaged, examples of student and teacher engagement, instructional strategies used, level of teacher engagement, DOK level, student behavior management, and assessment of learning. The form also includes questions related to student engagement, including examples of on-task and off-task behavior, student activity, and expectations. The environment section covers the creation of a respectful culture and the approach to instruction, including whether the lesson remained focused on the learning intentions and whether the learning environment was student-centered or teacher-centered. Finally, the form includes a reflection question and space for final commendations and suggestions. Overall, the teacher observation form provides a structured way for instructional leaders to assess and provide feedback on a teacher's lesson, with a focus on student engagement and learning outcomes. Sections: Lesson Overview First Glimpse of Instruction Instructional Strategies Instructional Activities Environment Lesson Closure

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