SIDF Walkthrough Observation

Observation covering the Secondary Instructional Delivery Framework (SIDF)
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's performance during a walkthrough observation. The form includes questions about the time of the observation, the grade level and content area being taught, the number of students in the class, and the location of the teacher. The form also asks whether the teacher is using the SIDF (Standards-based Instructional Design Framework) and which components of the framework were observed during the walkthrough. Other questions on the form include whether the objective was posted and easily visible, whether the classroom arrangement allows for small group instruction, and whether there is evidence of "Teach To's" (explicit examples of student and teacher actions). The form provides space for the observer to provide explicit examples of these actions, as well as any additional comments or notes about the observation. Overall, this form is a useful tool for instructional leaders to assess a teacher's performance and provide feedback for improvement. Sections: SIDF Walkthrough

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