Classroom Observation Checklist

This form covers Organization, Presentation, Interaction, Content Knowledge and Relevance
This teacher observation form is designed to evaluate a teacher's instructional design, delivery of instruction, and ability to create a supportive classroom environment. The form includes a series of questions related to the teacher's ability to present an overview of the lesson, pace the lesson appropriately, and present topics in a logical sequence. The form also evaluates the teacher's ability to relate today's lesson to previous and future lessons, summarize major points of the lesson, and explain major and minor points with clarity. The teacher's use of examples to clarify points, integration of materials from the "real world," and emphasis on important points are also evaluated. Additionally, the form assesses the teacher's ability to encourage active, collaborative, and cooperative learning, actively encourage student questions, and monitor student understanding through questioning. The teacher's ability to create a respectful and diverse classroom environment is also evaluated. Sections: SpringBoard Instructional Design Delivery of Instruction Supportive Classroom Environment Questions to Ask Students:

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