Classroom Behavior Management

This form is intended to observe and assess the teacher's classroom behavior management plan
The teacher observation form focuses on evaluating a teacher's behavior management plan and its implementation. The form asks specific questions related to the comprehensive behavior management plan, including the presence of positively stated rules, additional rules to school rules, consequences ranging from mild penalties to removal from the room, and ways to recognize and thank students for appropriate behavior. It also assesses whether the plan has been submitted to the administrator and a meeting has been scheduled for review. The form evaluates if the teacher's plan applies equally to all students and if the teacher uses humor or distraction to redirect mild misbehavior. Additionally, it examines how the teacher addresses misbehavior by giving clear, firm directions or asking students what they should be doing. The form aims to provide objective feedback to instructional leaders regarding the teacher's behavior management strategies. Sections: The Plan Implementation of the Plan Prevention Instead of Reaction Managing Behavior Outside the Classroom



June 29th, 2023

Report form

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