E.B. Morse Walk Through

This form covers vInstructional Strategies, Learning Environment, Grouping, Student Engagement, and Technology Use
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's performance during a classroom lesson. The form includes sections for recording the time of observation, identifying instructional objectives, and observing instructional practices. Additionally, the form requires a description of the learning environment, including student groupings and engagement levels. The appropriate use of technology is also evaluated, and there is an option to include an observation photo. The form includes several questions related to the lesson, such as the time period, instructional strategies, classroom culture, and positive teacher/student interactions. Finally, there is space for additional information and comments. Overall, this observation form provides a structured and comprehensive way to evaluate a teacher's performance and identify areas for improvement. Sections: Time of Observation Instructional Objectives Identified Instructional Practices Observed: Description of Learning Environment Student Groupings Student engagement Appropriate Use of Technology Observation Photo Additional

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