Class Observation

This checklist form covers Planning, Instruction, Environment, Reinforcements and Refinements
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate various aspects of a teacher's performance. The form is divided into different sections, each focusing on a specific area of teaching. These sections include Planning, Instruction, Environment, Reinforcements, and Refinements. The Planning section of the form assesses the teacher's ability to effectively plan lessons and activities. It includes questions about the availability of lesson plans, whether the teacher has noted the relevant standards, and if the activities planned are appropriate and aligned with the curriculum. The Instruction section evaluates the teacher's instructional practices. It includes questions about the teacher's ability to present information clearly, engage students through questioning, and provide specific feedback to students. The use of academic vocabulary and the level of student engagement are also assessed in this section. The Environment section focuses on the physical and emotional environment of the classroom. It includes questions about the organization of the classroom, the presence of a word wall and anchor charts, and the use of a stamina chart to track student progress. The section also evaluates whether the classroom is safe and inviting for students. Sections: Planning Instruction Environment Reinforcements and Refinements

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