Math Reflection Guide

This form covers Type of Instruction,Rigor,Components of a CCSS Math Lesson
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate various aspects of a teacher's instructional practices. It is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the teacher's ability to effectively deliver instruction and meet the requirements of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in mathematics. Within each section, there are specific questions that the observer must answer based on their observations of the teacher's instructional practices. These questions cover a range of instructional methods and strategies, such as Direct Instruction, Inquiry-based Instruction, Small Group Instruction, Conferencing, Guided Math, Cooperative Groups, Individual Student Practice, Assessment, and more. In addition to assessing the teacher's instructional practices, the form also includes sections for additional comments. These sections allow the observer to provide specific feedback or observations that may not be covered by the predefined questions. Overall, the teacher observation form aims to provide an objective assessment of the teacher's instructional practices, including their ability to engage students in critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world application of mathematical concepts. It also evaluates the teacher's ability to facilitate student discussions, integrate reading and writing, utilize technology to enhance learning, and incorporate multiple representations in math instruction. Sections: Type of Instruction Rigor Components of a CCSS Math Lesson

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