Bell to Bell Observations

This form covers Goal Setting, Assessment, Community, Instructional Strategies, Classroom Environment, Curriculum, and Differentiation
This teacher observation form is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's instructional practices and classroom environment. It includes sections related to goal setting, student assessment, attention to individuals and building community, instructional practices and classroom routines, positive and supportive learning environment, quality curriculum, preparation for and response to learner needs, and evidence of differentiation. The form includes a series of questions that are designed to evaluate the teacher's ability to establish clear learning goals, link new subject matter to prior learning, implement and use results of pre-assessment to adjust the lesson, attend to student questions and comments during the lesson, and involve the whole class in sharing, planning, and evaluation. The form also assesses the teacher's ability to vary student groupings, use multiple modes of instruction with emphasis on active learning, and make flexible use of classroom space, time, and materials. Overall, this form provides a comprehensive evaluation of a teacher's instructional practices and classroom environment. Sections: I. CONTEX/GOAL SETTING II. STUDENT ASSESSMENT III. ATTENTION TO INDIVIDUALS/BUILDING COMMUNITY IV. INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES AND CLASSROOM ROUTINES V. POSITIVE SUPPORTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT VI. QUALITY CURRICULUM VII. PREPARATION FOR & RESPONSE TO LEARNER NEEDS VIII. EVIDENCE OF DIFFERENTIATION

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