Beaufort County Informal Observation Walk Thru

Informal observation with comments instead of rating of indicators. Focusing on Student engagment, assessment, Classroom environment and culture
The teacher observation form is a tool used by K-12 instructional leaders to assess how teachers and students demonstrate the educational priorities of the school district. The form is divided into sections that focus on how teachers use clear learning targets, connect learning to prior knowledge, promote the gradual release of responsibility, model higher order thinking and problem-solving, and use formative assessment practices to guide instructional decision-making. There are also site-based questions that are based on the district's priorities of practice (PoP), which focus on how students demonstrate higher-order thinking, learning with their teacher and peers, using academic vocabulary, demonstrating engagement in the learning process and content, and taking ownership of their learning. The form also assesses how the learning task is designed to promote higher-order thinking, real-world connections, and meet the needs of diverse learners, and how it aligns with the district's educational priorities. The form includes an additional notes/comments section for any additional observations or comments. Sections: How do teachers demonstrate BCSD’s educational priorities How do students demonstrate BCSD’s educational priorities? How is the learning task designed to reflect BCSD’s educational priorities? How is the learning environment reflective of BCSD’s educational priorities? Additional Notes/Comments

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