Ohio TES Walkthrough

The walkthrough form aligned to Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System 2.0 (OTES).
Observations of teaching provide important evidence when assessing a teacher’s performance and effectiveness. As an evaluator observes a teacher engaging students in learning, valuable evidence may be collected on multiple levels. While many of these interactions may take place in the classroom, a more formal instructional setting, it should be noted that evidence of teacher practice is visible in many settings. Some teacher behaviors are observable in the classroom while other evidence may be obtained from formal conferences, informal conversations, and evidence of practice, as well as input from colleagues, parents/guardians and students. As part of the observation process, ongoing communication and collaboration between evaluator and teacher help foster a productive professional relationship that is supportive and enhances a teacher’s professional growth and development. A walkthrough/informal observation is a: • Tool to inform evaluation that provides the opportunity to gather evidence of instruction over a series of short classroom visits; • Method to allow evaluators opportunity to gather additional evidence on identified focus area(s) to enhance teacher practice; • Process for giving targeted evidence-based feedback to teachers; and • Means for evaluators to visit classrooms more frequently and more purposefully. As part of the teacher evaluation system, walkthroughs/informal observations should, whenever possible, be focused on gathering evidence related to the teacher’s identified focus area(s). However, evaluators are not limited to only collecting evidence on the identified focus area(s). Evaluators must ensure they have sufficient evidence to provide a Final Holistic Rating at the end of the evaluation cycle.

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