ET1: Classroom Observation Template (Continuing Teachers)

This form covers ADEPT Performance Standards 4-9 which include Instructional Strategies, Assessment, and Classroom Environment
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders to evaluate and provide feedback on a teacher's performance. The form is divided into several sections, each with a set of questions that assess different aspects of teaching. The questions are designed to measure the teacher's proficiency in areas such as planning and preparation, classroom management, instruction, and professional responsibilities. The form is structured in a way that allows for a thorough and systematic evaluation of the teacher's performance, with each section building upon the previous one. The questions are specific and focused, allowing for clear and objective feedback. Overall, the teacher observation form is an essential tool for instructional leaders to assess and support teacher growth and development. Sections: APS 4 APS 5 APS 6 APS 7 APS 8 APS 9

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