Laurens Elementary

Checklist Observation covers Standard and Objective, Lesson Plans, Instructional Strategies, Student Engagement, Student Groupings, Technology Use, Classroom Environment, and Student Behavior.
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders to evaluate and provide feedback to teachers on their classroom instruction. The form is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the lesson. These sections include the subject observed, the standard or objective being taught, the lesson plans, evidence of planning implemented in the classroom, instructional strategies, student engagement, student groupings, technology used, classroom environment, student behavior, and comments, questions, and suggestions for growth. The form includes a series of questions that the observer can use to assess the teacher's performance. These questions cover a range of topics, including whether the standard or objective was communicated effectively to the students, whether the lesson plans were completed and available for the observer, whether there was evidence of implementing planned instruction, and whether differentiation was used to meet the needs of all students. Other questions focus on specific instructional strategies, such as independent reading, guided reading, writing, manipulatives, and science experiments/kits. The form also includes questions about student engagement and groupings, such as whether the level of student engagement was high, whether whole class, small group, or individual instruction was used, and whether cooperative groups were utilized. Additionally, the form assesses the use of technology in the classroom, including whether the Promethean board, computer, iPad, or student response system was used and by whom. The form also evaluates the classroom environment, including whether it was positive and conducive to learning, and whether appropriate student behavior was observed. Finally, the form provides an opportunity for the observer to provide comments, ask questions, and offer suggestions to help the teacher grow and improve their instruction. Sections: Subject observed Standard and Objective Lesson Plans Evidence of planning implemented in classroom Instructional Strategies Student Engagement Student Groupings Technology Used Technology used by Classroom Environment Student Behavior Comments questions suggestions to help you grow

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