Kelly Mill - Created 8/26/15

Best practices and district expectations built onto an AVID framework.
This teacher observation form covers various aspects of teaching and learning, including writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading, rigor, technology, and learning conditions. The form consists of several questions related to each section, such as whether every reading assignment is accompanied by a writing assignment, the type of writing observed, whether students use evidence from other sources in their writing, and whether students demonstrate understanding of the writing process. Other questions include whether students pose questions, identify problems to research, conduct research to address real-world situations, evaluate the validity of an argument based on evidence, patterns, or a mathematical model, and persevere in solving problems. The form also assesses whether students effectively use math to model solutions to problems from everyday life, collaborate with each other, engage in conversation about a text or problem, communicate with precision, and articulate their learning goals for the day. Additionally, the form allows for other feedback and comments. Sections: Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading Rigor Technology Learning Conditions Other Feedback

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