CRHS Walk Through

This form covers Rigor, Instructional Strategies, Technology Use, Student Engagement, and Classroom Management
The teacher observation form is a tool used by instructional leaders in K-12 schools to assess and evaluate various aspects of a teacher's performance in the classroom. It is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the teacher's instructional practices, classroom management skills, and student engagement strategies. The form is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific area of observation. These sections include Instructional Information, Alignment & Rigor of Instruction, Student Engagement, and Classroom Management. Within each section, there are specific questions that the observer must answer based on their observations. These questions cover a range of topics such as class and period information, evidence of a lesson plan, classroom appearance, organization, and management. Other areas of focus include the depth of knowledge demonstrated in the lesson design, the effectiveness of instruction, the level of student learning and understanding, and the integration of technology in the classroom. The form also includes sections for taking notes and documenting any additional observations or concerns. It provides a space for the observer to indicate if a conference with the teacher is needed and to make note of any visual strategies or supplementary software programs used in the lesson. Sections: Instructional Information Alignment & Rigor of Instruction Student Engagement Classroom Management

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