Walk Through w/ Lesson Plan Feedback

This form covers Learning Goal, Differentiation, Learning Environment, Instructional Strategies, Technology Use, Bloom's Taxonomy, and Assessment
This is a teacher observation form that is designed to assess various aspects of a teacher's lesson plan and classroom instruction. The form is divided into several sections, each of which focuses on a specific area of the lesson plan and instruction. These sections include the lesson plan, standards, clear learning goals or essential questions, activity or differentiation strategy, learning environment, instructional strategies, integration of technology, LCS themes, revised Bloom's taxonomy, assessment, and feedback. The form includes a series of questions that are designed to evaluate each of these areas, such as whether the lesson plan was submitted on time, whether it included a standard, whether the clear learning goal or essential question is visible to the students, and whether the classroom is organized and orderly. The form also includes a range of activity and differentiation strategies, such as lectures with Power Point, games, student presentations, and collaborative projects with support. Additionally, the form assesses the use of technology in the classroom, including the use of calculators, school pads, projectors, and computers. Overall, this teacher observation form is designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a teacher's lesson plan and classroom instruction. Sections: Lesson Plan Standard(s) Clear Learning Goal / Essential Question Activity / Differentiation Strategy Learning Environment Instructional Starategies Integration of Technology LCS Themes Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Assessment Feedback

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