2013-2014 Observations w/Daily 5 component

This form covers teacher activities and instructional strategies.
This teacher observation form is designed to provide instructional leaders with a clear and objective assessment of a teacher's performance in the classroom. The form is divided into several sections, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of the teacher's activities and strategies. The form includes questions related to the teacher's lesson entry time, the standard or essential question being addressed, the percentage of students on task, the clarity of the learning intentions, and the supporting evidence for these intentions. Other questions focus on the teacher's activities and strategies, the level of rigor of the lesson, the effectiveness of the strategies used, and examples of excellence observed during the observation. The form is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the teacher's performance, with a focus on identifying areas for improvement and providing support for continued growth and development. Sections: Entry Level Observations Teacher Activities/Strategies Daily 5



June 8th, 2023

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